Ishema Programme
Ishema Programme: “Community Awareness and Engagement for Improved Education Outcomes with particular focus on Remedial Learning, Learning through Play and Early Childhood Education programmes in Rwanda”
Rwanda prioritized universal access to high-quality education under the pillar of Human Development of her Vision 2050. To achieve this, the Education Sector Strategic Plan 1 (ESSP 1, 2019-2024) sets nine strategic priorities, including increased access to high-quality education programs at all levels of the education system. A multi-effort approach is required to increase knowledge, and influence positive values and attitudes of the population in Rwanda to enhance improved childhood development outcomes as well as revolutionize education to take on new approaches including play-based learning, remedial learning, and early childhood education. Play-based learning is strongly connected to the development of self-regulation as young learners develop the skills of collaboration, negotiating and reaching compromises, sharing ideas and expressing opinions, making and following rules, and acting with the agency (Berk, Mann & Ogan, 2006). Sustainable Development Goal 4 seeks to ensure inclusive and equitable quality education and promote lifelong learning opportunities for all. One of the targets of this goal is to ensure that, by 2030, all boys and girls complete free, equitable, and quality primary and secondary education leading to relevant and effective learning outcomes1. Play is an important part of a child’s early development. Playing helps young children’s brains to develop and for their language and communication skills to mature. It boosts creative thinking, innovativeness, and strategic thinking when children grow older. Children strengthen their language skills by modeling other children and adults.
UNICEF supports the Government of Rwanda (GoR) in various interventions including Learning through Play (LtP) towards improved learning outcomes among young children. Strategic social behavior change communication (SBCC) interventions are critical for increased awareness among parents, caregivers, teachers, and community members about the importance of LtP in contributing to improved education outcomes among children. The Remedial Learning Program (RLP) is highlighted in the Ministerial Instructions No. 002/2021 of 26/07/2021 determining the modalities for the management of the school timetable. Remedial sessions are aimed at ensuring that learners with low performance are provided with the required support as one of the principles of the Competence Based Curriculum (CBC). The involvement of head teachers, teachers, learners, parents/guardians, and the community is very critical to ensure the improved performance of learners through the Remedial Learning program. The SBC Programme is aimed at creating awareness among teachers, learners, and parents/guardians and facilitating community dialogue around the importance of remedial learning for improved education outcomes.
Urunana Development Communication (Urunana DC) in collaboration with UNICEF and key stakeholders mainly the Rwanda Basic Education Board and other partners will implement a project titled the “Ishema Programme – Community Awareness and Engagement for Improved Education Outcomes with a particular focus on Remedial Learning, Learning through Play and Early Childhood Education programmes in Rwanda” The project will implement strategic social behavior change communication interventions to address existing gaps in knowledge, attitudes, behaviors and social norms among target populations.
The Ishema – Programme will use the Popular Urunana Radio Soap Opera and Radio Sketches/Mini Drama episodes to disseminate key messages on Remedial Learning, Learning through Play, and early childhood education, among the target population in Rwanda. To achieve this, the following strategic activities are planned: Production, integration, and broadcast of messages on the identified focus areas into the Urunana radio soap opera and the messages will be used during the production of radio sketches. Urunana episodes with messages on remedial learning, learning through play, and early childhood education will be produced and broadcast weekly during the project period which will initially be 12 months. For the key messages to be disseminated through the Urunana Radio Soap Opera, pre-production and production activities take place. Pre-production activities include content development and long-term storylining workshops which are normally carried out annually.